Today is cold, it is about 0 outside. I had to leave work for a bit, and while I was waiting at the train it started to snow. It was melting right away which is good, but damn it is cold.
It is funny how when it gets really cold, and I mean cold like about -40 outside you start to adjust to the whole thing. Then after a week of this a Chinook blows in and the temperature goes up to about 12 Degrees you see people with there convertible open, and some in shorts. In the summer if it is 12 degrees, there would be people going around in sweaters and pants. Ahh those crazy Canadians, we are going to put an addition on the Igloo this month.
The Porsche belongs to my father in law, and the VW belongs to us... There related.

1 comment:
Cool, always like pictures.
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