The color, you can see the artists brush strokes, I think the artist is showing how fall can feel.
I think the main reason I like this painting is because our little boy who was 5 at the time did it. At the end of the school year last year, his Kindergarten teacher sent home his portfolio. This was one of the paintings that he had done. We were very shocked, and went out right away and framed it. Now it sits in our dining room for everyone to see.
You may be asking what kind of school sends home a portfolio at the end of the year, well we have him going to what is called an Arts Academy. The school stresses the importance of art and working with the kids in what ever direction they want to go. The school teaches the kids to read and play music on the instrument of there choice, also dance, and sculpting. While they are learning this they also learn there regular subjects. When we heard about this school we thought it was a great idea.

That sounds like an awesome school to go to. Better then Simonds High where I went anyway :) His painting is actually quite good, usually at that age you expect 'cute art' not frame-able. Good stuff.
Ya, I wish there was a school like this when I was a kid. Randy and I were a part of the Spastic Rembrandts though.
This school only goes to grade 9, then he will go to a regular one.
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