Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fischerspooner At Coachella 2004

I enjoy this band my wife really likes them allot this was the year we were at Coachella... Look closeley you will see m lovely wife jumping around in the crowd.

The van is the race car of the future...

So it is a funny thing how you can put a middle aged soccer mom, or father of 2 in a van and they think they are the fastest most powerful vehicle on the road. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that anytime you are being tailgated, or trying to merge into traffic a van is the problem. I was talking about how I hated van drivers, and how they always seemed to act like they were driving race cars. While I was saying this stuff a guy that I know said to me that he had a van and it was 240hp so it was lots of power. I responded by asking him if he took corners at 120km/ph and squealed his tires when he pulled away from a light? He said no, and I said my father in law has a Porsche that has 240hp, and it is built to go fast. I let him know that his vehicle was made to carry lots of people from point A to point B, and that no one looks cool driving a breadbox tailgating other people with 4 kids and the dog hanging out the window. For the record I HATE vans.

I also hate Vans...

I don't like them either.

I only ride in Vans going to Soccer games..

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Crunch..Chew, Chew.... Gulp.

Just so were clear this site is 100% Trans Fat Free. My wife has been making sure that everything we eat now has no Trans Fats.. Up until a few months ago I wouldn't have known one kind of fat from another, now I know that when ever I buy something from the store it has to have no, or virtually no Trans Fats. It is crazy how many things have Trans Fats in them, I am not going to get into the large list of goodies that have TF in them mainly because I don't want to write that much. So in the future look for Trans Fat free foods, I hear that your heart will love you for it.

On another unrelated note we put the dock in the water yesterday, yes there folks I was chest deep in chilly water and the neighbors thought I was crazy. Still the dock made it into the water. So now we will keep our eyes open for a cheap boat or Jet Ski to pull a skier.

Hope everyone is well, and on another unrelated note My buddy Joe had his birthday last Sunday. I e-mailed him but as usual no reply, so Joe HBD your older.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before.

So I have been enjoying the spring weather. Snow, rain, snow, sun, rain. What a wonky weather pattern, but I don't mind we have a house on a lake.
I have been listening to allot of stuff latley and I am finding that I enjoy the music by Joanna Newsom, now she is more folkish with a very interesting voice. I find that the more I listen to he the more I like her. I think that anyone that takes the time to digest her music will feel the same. I just checked, and she is not available on iTunes but you can go here and pick it up.

And here is a nice old gem... well old in the world of music now. The Amps, now this was a band that Kim Deal started after.. between... during the Breeders in 95'ish So they put out 1 album, and if you like the Pixies/Breeders sound then I think you will be happy with this album. So you can pick it up here.

Enjoy the gooy goodnes that these listening stylings produce.

On a side note last July My lovely wife and I had tickets to see Social Distortion at the Morongo Key Club outside of Palm Springs. Well that was one of those things that just happens, I think allot had to do with the fact that we were 3000kms away from the gig, and we had decided to stay where we were on vacation. So anyway my buddy Andrew is going to see them Saturday at Mac Hall in Calgary. I told Andrew to jump on stage and kick Mike in the shin and say "this is from my buddy, now play story of my life".

Well there my little minions, play safe and play correct.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lets get going again

Since I am going to start to update a little bit more I figured I might go back to my old school ways and give all of you a couple of musical picks. Over the last few months I have picked up a fair amount of music, anyone that knows me knows that it is sort of an addiction. So anyhoo I have a couple of groups to force on you..

SPOON- They are not a new band, they have been around since 96' they cut their teeth touring allot with Pavement, and anyone that is a fan of Pavement would have heard of this band. Here is a link to get a taste of what they are like. I say go run out and get the album, they are also on iTunes

THE EVENS- Now here is a band that I have taken a big liking to. I picked up their album back in Novemberish, the band is a 2 piece consisting of Ian MacKaye who is essentially one of the main contributors to the best music ever "Punk". Ian was a member of Minor Threat which was one of the bands in the D.C. sound, and started the straight edge movement. He later was in Fugazi, only one of the most amazing bands ever. The other contributor is Amy Farina who keeps the tempo, and sets the pace. She also sings and for those of you that know the history was a member of "The Warmers" which Ian's brother Alec was a member of. So since Fugazi is on an indefinite hiatus they started to make some sweet sweet music, and I must say I am glad they decided to . I am highly recommending this album, walk.... no run to get this.
Here is a link to buy it

So Ian... Amy.. If your out there, great job.