Monday, October 31, 2005
Bobbin' for Apples.

Party Crashin.
French Maid
Saturday night.
Thursday, October 27, 2005

So we headed on down the road, where to you may ask...? Well Vegas baby!!!! The drive from Salt Lake City to Vegas is cool. The rocks, and cliffs are amazing. I believe it only took us about 5 hours then we pulled in to the Sahara, the weather was hot like 32, and the strip was busy.
The picture of the flower was outside one of those temples in salt lake they reminded me of those cookies that you can get, not sure what they are called.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Salt Lake

So we ended up staying one night in Salt Lake City, that is almost one night to much. This town has a very erie feel to it. We walked from the KOA to the main place there, my wife was curious to check the place out. We walked the grounds looking at everything, one thing that really stuck out was that inside there church type things they had no art or pictures on the walls. Also they have a couple of golden sea gulls, did you know the State bird is the sea gull? The big place you see in the picture is some chapel thing that they don't let people go in. You have to be a member or something.
After we left there we went back to the KOA. Another thing about the place is it is very quiet.

On our way down to California we had to go through a few States, now one of them was Utah. Have you ever been? Golly now this is an interesting place, there are so many Mormon places it's crazy. I will say this is one very white State. The scenery is cool though, we would pull off the interstate quite often to take pictures.
Friday, October 21, 2005
California Uber Alles

Well I figure I will start throwing up some pictures of the trip we took last year to Coachella. We spent about 2 and a half weeks cruising down, around and back. Got some good shots of the bands we saw and the fun we had, so buckle your seat belts.
This is a shot of the Pixies. Talk about hot weather, it was 106 on the Sunday. I almost melted.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Were related...

Today is cold, it is about 0 outside. I had to leave work for a bit, and while I was waiting at the train it started to snow. It was melting right away which is good, but damn it is cold.
It is funny how when it gets really cold, and I mean cold like about -40 outside you start to adjust to the whole thing. Then after a week of this a Chinook blows in and the temperature goes up to about 12 Degrees you see people with there convertible open, and some in shorts. In the summer if it is 12 degrees, there would be people going around in sweaters and pants. Ahh those crazy Canadians, we are going to put an addition on the Igloo this month.
The Porsche belongs to my father in law, and the VW belongs to us... There related.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The color, you can see the artists brush strokes, I think the artist is showing how fall can feel.
I think the main reason I like this painting is because our little boy who was 5 at the time did it. At the end of the school year last year, his Kindergarten teacher sent home his portfolio. This was one of the paintings that he had done. We were very shocked, and went out right away and framed it. Now it sits in our dining room for everyone to see.
You may be asking what kind of school sends home a portfolio at the end of the year, well we have him going to what is called an Arts Academy. The school stresses the importance of art and working with the kids in what ever direction they want to go. The school teaches the kids to read and play music on the instrument of there choice, also dance, and sculpting. While they are learning this they also learn there regular subjects. When we heard about this school we thought it was a great idea.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

So this is a little something from last Halloween, I was Mr Roboto, My wife is behind me. Dave is the Eyeball, his brother Joe is Christina Agulara, and Then there is.... I can't remember his name, but he is the Kokanee Ranger. There was lots of fun to be had. And I am still thinking of a good costume.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Salad Fingers Episode 2
This is called Friends, and it is where we meet Hubert Cumberdale for the first time.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
El funcionamiento de Pablo y de Theresa, Pablo y Theresa funcionados rápidamente, Pablo y Theresa funcionan rápidamente con allà persiguen Cheech.
Well it is Tuesday after a long weekend. It is so hard to buckle in after 4 days off. I have to study, but I can't seem to get into it. I need to get 860 on my CCNA just to pass, it is so crazy that they make the required minimum so high. There are 53 questions, and 2 simulators on the exam. I don't know when I will be ready. Do you ever do that? Spend about 15 minutes looking at a sentence over and over again, then realize that you are not paying attention to the words. So then you tell yourself "pay attention" and then a song comes into your head. You do this over, and over for about 2 hours. Before you know it the day is over, and you haven't accomplished a thing. Anyway I imagine I will get through this and hopefully get it on the first try.
So Christmas is fast approaching, looks like we are heading down to Alabama for a week this should be nice. I will probably rent a car rather than have the family drive us around. Then I think we will be doing like we did last year, and staying at Panorama for 4 or 5 days. This way we get in the bulk of our skiing, and enjoy the snow.
Almost forgot, I am trying to out do myself on the Halloween costume for this years party. I have some ideas running through my head, but I want something spectacular. Let me know if anyone has a good idea. I will post my past costumes.
So Christmas is fast approaching, looks like we are heading down to Alabama for a week this should be nice. I will probably rent a car rather than have the family drive us around. Then I think we will be doing like we did last year, and staying at Panorama for 4 or 5 days. This way we get in the bulk of our skiing, and enjoy the snow.
Almost forgot, I am trying to out do myself on the Halloween costume for this years party. I have some ideas running through my head, but I want something spectacular. Let me know if anyone has a good idea. I will post my past costumes.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005

Our son drew this, the actual size of this is as big as a stamp. He is more or less getting the finer points of art down. that is why we have him going ot an art school. He just turned 6 and well he is on his way to becoming one heck of an artist. As you can see this is a picture of me, wearing my boot pants.

Still in the Netherlands
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