So set the doobie down and follow what I am about to communicate.
This is an amazing album, and has stood the test of time with the greatest of ease. I listened to it on the old 50's RCA Victor Hi Fi and it has such a great tone that almost anything sounds good... I said almost anything.
This album just met my 70's album cut of being that it was released in 79'. So if you have never heard this rock opera you are in for a treat the general story line is loosley based on Roger Waters.
The character that the story revolves around "Pink" has issues in his youth to when he is an adult and the traumas that an oppressive mother and school teachers along with the loss of his father as a young boy made him build walls in his mind. The story progresses to where "Pink" has problems and the eventual break up of his marriage, Drug use and relationships being ruined make him build a final wall closing himself off from the world completely.
He eventually thinks he is a dictator ruling the people and when he preforms on stage he has made the performances into a type of rally, pitting men on people he deems unworthy. His inner guilt gets the better of him and puts himself on trial to tear down the walls. What is cool is how the album ends with "Isn't this where.... we came in?" setting it up to go full circle.
Every song on this album fits together so well you have to appreciate the work that went into this and with some of the songs you hear themes that you would not have heard in any Pink Floyd albums previous. Such as the disco feel in "The Wall Part 2" this gave the song a different feel but it also makes you appreciate that the band was willing to try something different.
If I were to pick a song on the album that I would say is my favorite I would go with "Hey You", it has a slow power to it that just strikes a chord with me.
So anyway I recommend this album and think if you have not had a chance to soak your eardrums in the concrete mix that made "The Wall" you will need to....

Isn't this where.... we came in?
This is an amazing album, and has stood the test of time with the greatest of ease. I listened to it on the old 50's RCA Victor Hi Fi and it has such a great tone that almost anything sounds good... I said almost anything.
This album just met my 70's album cut of being that it was released in 79'. So if you have never heard this rock opera you are in for a treat the general story line is loosley based on Roger Waters.
The character that the story revolves around "Pink" has issues in his youth to when he is an adult and the traumas that an oppressive mother and school teachers along with the loss of his father as a young boy made him build walls in his mind. The story progresses to where "Pink" has problems and the eventual break up of his marriage, Drug use and relationships being ruined make him build a final wall closing himself off from the world completely.
He eventually thinks he is a dictator ruling the people and when he preforms on stage he has made the performances into a type of rally, pitting men on people he deems unworthy. His inner guilt gets the better of him and puts himself on trial to tear down the walls. What is cool is how the album ends with "Isn't this where.... we came in?" setting it up to go full circle.
Every song on this album fits together so well you have to appreciate the work that went into this and with some of the songs you hear themes that you would not have heard in any Pink Floyd albums previous. Such as the disco feel in "The Wall Part 2" this gave the song a different feel but it also makes you appreciate that the band was willing to try something different.
If I were to pick a song on the album that I would say is my favorite I would go with "Hey You", it has a slow power to it that just strikes a chord with me.
So anyway I recommend this album and think if you have not had a chance to soak your eardrums in the concrete mix that made "The Wall" you will need to....
my Grade 11 oral "book report"...aided by my 3 favorite letters in high school....L-S-D...wrd de la Syd Barrett
You knew Little Suzy Dorkas too?
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