So I decided to go back and check out either albums I have not heard before, or albums I have heard but never appreciated. I am going to try to to go with 2 a week I want to make sure to take some time just in case the first few times I listen I don't like what I hear. I may increase from there depending on how I feel.
The time frame I am going with is 70-79, I figured I would pick some of the top albums from that period.
Well... Lets get at it.
The first album is by the Beach Boys called "Surfs Up" It was released in 71'. In my first pass through I can really hear the heavy Brian Wilson influence, even has a Beatles feel to it. Also a very political sound which is different from the "Little GTO, California Girls" type of Beach Boys that I am used to. One cool thing is the song "Feel Flows" was featured on the Almost Famous soundtrack.
I will give a better review in a few days once I have a chance to listen to it a few times.
Anyway keep your ears open.
Surf's up on Amazon
Feel Flows is hands down my favorite Beach Boys song. But a close second is the version of Good Vibrations off of Brian Wilson's Smile. It starts off just like you remember but goes some where amazing, never heard it like this.
I always liked Good Vibrations too, I remember when I found out that the 'ooooooeeeooooooeeeeeooooo' part of the song wasn't someone singing but a theremin that they were using. They Might be Giants like to use the theremin allot also.
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