Monday, June 20, 2005

Friends. (Not the show)

So here is the question. Do you have any? I was thinking about it, and reminiscing about past and present friends. Some I have lost over disagreements, some just for the lack of effort, and some for no reason at all. I will say that I have had a lot of good friends over the years, and if I were to do it over again I don't think I would change a thing that happened or didn't happen. I remember reading once that 80% of people that have friends in high school loose them within 5 years of graduation, and 90% of the population only have 1-2 very close friends from high school on. I know personally that has been true for me. In high school I was a part of a group of very close friends(could be the small town thing), after graduation the group tried to get together to party but it was only on holidays. Mainly due to the fact that we didn't see each other every day, and we lived in different places. The group was still strong for the most part. Then I left from my year off, and went to school in the States. I met a good group of friends, and we were tight until I left there to get on with my life. Moved to Edmonton, I only knew 1 person so I started over. I ended up meeting lots of nice folk there and had a good time until I moved to Calgary. I went there knowing no one, I had to start from scratch. I think that was a real test, starting somewhere that you are alone and making new friends. In my 8 year history in this town, I have met a lot of people and lived in 8 different places... 3 of those were in the same building. I have got to a point that I know who my friends are, and who they were. Just because people are not my friends any more doesn't mean that I don't care anymore. I just means we have changed(or ya hate my guts).
I have decided that I will post a bunch of pictures of past, and present friends. I hope you enjoy, they are all good people.

Go get any Joe Strummer album and enjoy. He is a musical force that shaped a lot of music, and died to soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure I know who is going to be your best friend and the first picture you post...better be me or else:)