O.K. now it has been a few days since I saw this "Some Kind Of Monster", and I am sorry if I can't be nice about it but I was not impressed. Truth be told the only reason I saw this was because I heard that Lars had a therapy session and asked to have Dave Mustaine come to it. I tried to watch this and not be to objective, but I am sorry I got tired of the whole. I'm a rock star that has sold over 90 million records world wide I think I have lost touch with my roots and we need the spark to be re-kindled with each other.
1. You lost touch with your roots a long time ago... I will go with the about the time you hit the 10 million sold mark.
2. Re-kindle the spark? Heck you are 4 grown men that have been together for the last 15 years, are you having sex with each other? There is no spark.
I personally think the only person that shows any brain power is Jason Newsted, only because he is not in Metallica any more, and he is happy about it.
This is a show with allot of wining, and complaining. Holy crap I was irritated after this show, I reccommend that if you want to get an album from these guys. DOWNLOAD IT....
So other than the fact that the psychologist made $40.000 a month from these guys for something like 524 days so that is almost 2 years so he walked away with about $960000, and holy crap the mock turtle neck sweaters, and the Cliff Huxtable sweaters this guy wears.
Bah I give up this movie is crap, just like the band. (Black album and back was good stuff, after that the band sucked).
O ya, Lars father is a kook. So that means Lars gets it honestly.
O, and yesterday I hear this ad as I was changing channels. I hear James Hatfeild go " Hey friends this is James from Tallica, and you are listening to Blah, Bla, Blah" Ha, come on now Tallica? Tallica. Holy it was brutal.
Any way I am done.

so...we whine about how celebrities lose touch with reality, and then when we see the real side of them and how they try to get some sort of health and normalcy we ridicule it saying they aren't deserving of it? why? because they have been successful? I know what you're going to say, this is a self promoting movie...hmmm sounds like a trend a la Mr Moore....what i got from it about their spark, is they're talking about creative spark, you know 2 guys who've been best friends for over 20 years, working together, they wanted to get it back..i guess thats a bad thing...maybe somebody watches that movie and says to themselves, you know, i'm not the only one with weaknesses, i'm not the only one hurting...if some celebrity that i admire has flaws, and overcomes them, why can't i? as far as everything sucking after the Black album, i dont agree, but it's your right not to like it, but sucking maybe isnt right either....what do you expect, Ride the Lightning re-released every other year??? it's called evolution...we praise the Beastie Boys and U2 for evolving their music, but only because it's trendy to do so. as far as losing touch with their roots, maybe they have...but what are they supposed to live in the past? relive their youth "back when i was the high school quarterback..."...anyways i'm done mr glass half empty...
Ha, well it looks like the pirate is upset. Rightfully so.
Well let's see, I think that everyone is deserving of some kind of health mentally. Come on though releasing a movie on nothing but that, I would be more interested if this was how they were acing on tour, but this is over 500 days in their own town. They go home every night only to come back the next day and bicker, and Bitch.
I am all for the creative spark, personally I think they are together out of sheer greed. You know the scene where they go see Jason's band play, Lars wasn't pissed because he couldn't play. He was pissed because he was scared they (Tallica) were going the way of the Dodo, it scared him. He saw everyone else working for Jason's band and not for him. So they feel the need to produce whatever they can to keep some kind of grip.
I don't expect ride the Lightning every album, but I do expect that if someone is going to change and evolve hopefully it is for the better. I always felt that when 'Tallica' changed it was to catch the trend of the current music on the radio. Beastie Boys change, I never said I liked all of it. U2 ha, now there is a band that I lost after Joshua Tree. They caught the current trend, unfortunately I find when bands do it they either can pull it off, or they look like posers doing it.
I will always have a spot in the collection for 'Tallica' but don't expect anything after Black.
Could you imagine if they came out with Ride the Lightning every 2 years. That would rock.
so there Mr That was Beautiful.
Three years later, and this still gets me going.
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