Ooo the mighty surprise I spoke about has arrived. So here it is, it is a compilation that the Flaming lips put together of songs that they enjoy. So you get a Smorg of Miles Davis, Bjork, Sebadoh, Faust, And Psychadelic Furs, just to name a few. This is very good music to just sit and listen, by no means is it a get down and party album (unless it is a parrty for 2). As some of you may know this is not the first Late Night tales it is done in the tradition od the 70's compilation albums for easy listening. They succeeded in making it that, it is interesting to see another persons taste and influence. Especially when it is a group that you have as an influence. So anyway The 7" of Seven Nation army is a hot item for those of you music buffs. Only available on E-bay at his point fom thoses that ended up getting it, only 100 were made. It was released on the 10th of April. So if you like I will say it again, only 100 made, me have it. So I belive that if you try hard you can get the LP from some music stores I tried A&B on the 10th, and then a week later they said that they still couldnt get it.... So I went to the distributor, O.K. I am bragging..... I can't help it I lucked out.
In other news the grenade didn't explode, o those former Russians.

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