Alright, so first off sorry I was away for a few days and had no access... or was too busy to post. So lets get right at it with "Rush-2112" I bought this album awhile back and it is an excellent workout for the old HiFi.
This music is not for the faint at heart, it is a very dimensional style. There are a lot of change ups, and moves from one style to another within one song. The fans are true fans and it is rare that someone that is into Rush only has one album.
So this album takes off right from the start with the 20 min long 2112. It is split into 7 different songs in one which when listening you hear how it all melds together. Not all the songs are marathons, and they are all split up into regular length songs. The song "Passage to Bangkok" is one of my more favorite songs on the album along with "Something For Nothing" I also dig the song "The Temples of Syrinx" which is a part of the song 2112.
Heck I dig the whole album, and I think you will too. The album was released in 76' after it was recorded in Toronto and some thought it was a concept album, but all the songs on side 2 have nothing to do with the rest of the album. Side 1 which has 2112 tells a story of a world that is is controlled by the "Priests of the Temples of Syrinx" that controls all that is seen and heard.. (Kind of like the CRTC) A man finds a guitar and learns to play different kinds of music. He takes it and gives it to the Priests, and they go and destroy the guitar. He goes into hiding and dreams of a world before all is controlled. When he wakes up he is upset and commits suicide. As he dies, another planetary battle begins resulting in the ambiguous ending "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control."
So there you have it Rush 2112. Go forth and purchase it before you are told that you cannot listen to this king of music and they force you to listen to Justin Bieber, and Nickelback... That would make a guy want to kill himself.
Also you may want to check out the Rush Doc called "Beyond the Lighted Stage" it is well worth the time for sure.

This music is not for the faint at heart, it is a very dimensional style. There are a lot of change ups, and moves from one style to another within one song. The fans are true fans and it is rare that someone that is into Rush only has one album.
So this album takes off right from the start with the 20 min long 2112. It is split into 7 different songs in one which when listening you hear how it all melds together. Not all the songs are marathons, and they are all split up into regular length songs. The song "Passage to Bangkok" is one of my more favorite songs on the album along with "Something For Nothing" I also dig the song "The Temples of Syrinx" which is a part of the song 2112.
Heck I dig the whole album, and I think you will too. The album was released in 76' after it was recorded in Toronto and some thought it was a concept album, but all the songs on side 2 have nothing to do with the rest of the album. Side 1 which has 2112 tells a story of a world that is is controlled by the "Priests of the Temples of Syrinx" that controls all that is seen and heard.. (Kind of like the CRTC) A man finds a guitar and learns to play different kinds of music. He takes it and gives it to the Priests, and they go and destroy the guitar. He goes into hiding and dreams of a world before all is controlled. When he wakes up he is upset and commits suicide. As he dies, another planetary battle begins resulting in the ambiguous ending "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control."
So there you have it Rush 2112. Go forth and purchase it before you are told that you cannot listen to this king of music and they force you to listen to Justin Bieber, and Nickelback... That would make a guy want to kill himself.
Also you may want to check out the Rush Doc called "Beyond the Lighted Stage" it is well worth the time for sure.
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