Saturday, June 13, 2009


I finally know what it is like to sit and listen to Sheldon and I when we get into our heated musical discussions. While listening to WOXY this morning there was a show on called "The Waiting Room" I swear they sound like Sheldon and I discussing every detail of a song and going on about music. GREAT show. Sure makes a guy miss late night discussions/arguments over many a pint.

Quick top five bands you feel are contributing the most to music right now.


Drunk Country said...

Cheers m'man.

That's the entire point in a nutshell: a conversational celebration of the music we find & play.

Glad it made you smile a little.

Cheers again & stay tuned, as "they" are wont to say...


Sheldon said...

Tuff question, and I have to get on a plane but my first stab would be (in random order)

Animal Collective
Marnie Stern
Flying Lotus

I'll probably revise this list in 15 minutes.

Miss ya Brother!

Anonymous said...

1. Motorhead
2. Motorhead
3. Motorhead
4. Motorhead
5. Motorhead