So it is a funny thing how you can put a middle aged soccer mom, or father of 2 in a van and they think they are the fastest most powerful vehicle on the road. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that anytime you are being tailgated, or trying to merge into traffic a van is the problem. I was talking about how I hated van drivers, and how they always seemed to act like they were driving race cars. While I was saying this stuff a guy that I know said to me that he had a van and it was 240hp so it was lots of power. I responded by asking him if he took corners at 120km/ph and squealed his tires when he pulled away from a light? He said no, and I said my father in law has a Porsche that has 240hp, and it is built to go fast. I let him know that his vehicle was made to carry lots of people from point A to point B, and that no one looks cool driving a breadbox tailgating other people with 4 kids and the dog hanging out the window. For the record I HATE vans.

I also hate Vans...
I don't like them either.
I only ride in Vans going to Soccer games..
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