So When we left Wurzburg, we headed down to Italy. It was crazy once we left Germany to Austria, and then into Italy. There was an instant change in everything. Kind of like going from California to Tijuanna. The guard rails on the road went from new to rusty old, so we traveled on. We figured we would make it as far as Trento (which I have attached a picture), this was a bad idea. We rolled into town about 7 and tried getting in to the hostel, it was full. Then we tried getting a hotel room, everything was booked. So we said lets get something to eat, it was 8pm by now. So we went to go into this one place and they pulled down the gate, as we looked down the street every place that was open did the same thing. So we didn't know what to do, My lovely bride was overcome with fear of not getting the next meal. So after a minor break down I pulled her together, looked down the street and saw 2 Mormon guys. We went over to them and asked where we could eat, they said that if you don't eat by 8pm in Italy you are out of luck. So we went back to the car and headed for the Autoroute. Well I took the wrong turn off and headed straight up the side of a mountain, there are no guard rails on the big hills there. So after heading up and starting to freak myself out because of the sheer grade of the hill, I found a place to turn around and head straight back down. I turned on a road and started driving along, we didn't know what we were going to do. So after about 45min of driving on outback Italy we spotted a house with about 6 big trucks parked outside. There was a fence surrounding the yard. So we pulled over and went in, the sign on the outside said Anna's on it. Inside they didn't speak a lick of English, so the dictionary we bought in Trento came in handy. They gave us a room for the night and we pulled the car inside the compound. Now, we were still hungry but to the point of not wanting a full meal. Jen opened the dictionary and asked for an apple in Italian, the lady said ok. When she returned she had anything she could find with apples in it, and even an apple. We thought this was very nice of her. Then we went to bed we were so tired. The next day when we got up the lady there was so nice to us, she didn't even charge us for the Apples.

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