Here I am from the top of Mount Vesuvio, with Capri in the background and Naples below.
Ah Pompeii...
It was so hot on this day, that my lovely wife got heat stroke.
This is inside a bath house still in good shape.
People were frozen in time.
This is a shot of a hot chick with the Volcano in the background.
We really enjoyed the architecture.
We spent the day checking out Pompeii it was nice.... And hot.
Every fine restaurant in Pompei has one of these in it.
So yesterday I forgot to tell you about this lady that started choking while we were eating at Capri. She stood up and everyone was whacking her on the back, then she almost fell over. Then the waiters came over and swooped her off her feet, and shook her upside down. It was very 12th century. So out of nowhere a guy with a stethescope comes in and sticks his fingers down her throat. She spit the meat across the room and then she was ok, but man what a show.
From the top of Capri. We took the cable car to this spot.
Inside the Blue Grotto at Capri. This was not really worth the 5 euro to go in, there were about 10 boats inside with the guy's rowing singing Ass Hole A Me O
Pulling into Capri.
This is Mount Vesuvio from the boat, we end up going there tomorrow.
Another shot of the coast.
So on this day 2 years ago we had signed up for a tour through the place that we were renting the bungalow. Our tour guide was named Paulo Arizona, and he took us to Capri. We found Capri to be very crowded, and they like to do anything to nickel and dime you. This is a shot of the Amalfi coast from our boat, the ride was an hour but nice.
At the end of the day we thought we should do something tourist like, so we went over to the Greek ruins, this one is to the Greek god Poseidon. We pulled up and paid the guy at the parking lot to park then went across the street only to find out that it was closed for the day. When we came back the guy acted like he didn't see us. We were pissed.
So this day we spent relaxing on the beach. We were happy because we didn't have to do anything all day except relax on the beach. Here we were on the patio of our bungalow. We had our beer, and salad... What more did we need.?
Oh the beach.... We would buy 1l Peroni's for 1euro, and bury them in the sand to keep them cold. Nice beach time.
So after Ortona we made our way to another place which we rented a bungalow for 4 nights. It was called Villaggio dei Pini. We spent 2 days drinking Peroni's on the beach,and a couple of days touring Pompeii, and Capri. We really liked taking it easy at this spot (when we weren't touring). It was cool, our bungalow opened right up on the beach.
As we were walking around Ortona that night we saw this car on a side street. I thought this was one of the best pictures I took on the whole trip. The other picture that I like allot is when we were in the Netherlands. I will get to it.