Buy it. Man it is good, has members from The New Pornographers, Frog Eyes, and my favorite Wolf Parade.
Here take a listen
Friday, December 29, 2006
Swan Lake
Buy it. Man it is good, has members from The New Pornographers, Frog Eyes, and my favorite Wolf Parade.
Here take a listen
Here take a listen
We spent Christmas out on the Ocean in Cocagne. It was a green Christmas literally mainly because the grass is still green. We had a nice relaxing time there with the kids and dog. We miss our pooch mainly because during the week we leave her at a dog sitter until Friday when we pick her up. We have to do this because the place we are renting in SJ right now won't let us have her, we will only be doing this for 3 months until we buy our house. We wanted the time to look around and see what is a nice area to live in and buy.
So I hope everyone is having a splendipidous holiday.
So I hope everyone is having a splendipidous holiday.
Seasons ... Greetery
So the last few weeks have been an adjustment for the most part we have been getting used to the idea of getting up before 9am. I'm sure if you asked Andrew or collin they would laugh and say that we are trying to get used to the idea of getting up before noon, which I assure you is not true. So anyway the work has been good, and settling in nicely.
I try to walk 'Uptown' (they call their downtown uptown here... Something about the fact that the core was built up on a hill.) daily for my lunch hour. I find it so interesting, there was a fire in the 1800's that burned allot of the core area but there is a big portion left of old buildings and churches built in the mid to late 1700's so it is so interesting to check out. The places are all built side by side, and of either brick or rock, the fact that the road is steep and goes up the hill and you can see all the streets going down as you make your way up and over the top of the hill is so interesting. You can tell when you come to the newer houses because they are mainly made of wood built in the early to late 1800's. Anyway this place has lots to explore and see.
I try to walk 'Uptown' (they call their downtown uptown here... Something about the fact that the core was built up on a hill.) daily for my lunch hour. I find it so interesting, there was a fire in the 1800's that burned allot of the core area but there is a big portion left of old buildings and churches built in the mid to late 1700's so it is so interesting to check out. The places are all built side by side, and of either brick or rock, the fact that the road is steep and goes up the hill and you can see all the streets going down as you make your way up and over the top of the hill is so interesting. You can tell when you come to the newer houses because they are mainly made of wood built in the early to late 1800's. Anyway this place has lots to explore and see.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Attention to detail
O.K. Here is a story to make you chuckle or something. The other day we went to the store I pulled up to the front doors while my beautiful wife ran in to drop off some film. Once she ran in I circled the parking lot for a minute then found a spot right at the front in the first row of cars. The kids and I were waiting for a bit then we saw her come out. She took a look around, and then walked over to a car parked by the doors. Now the car was the same make and color as ours except there were a few differences. Our car has tinted windows, spoke wheels, and also the kids and I were in our car. The car parked by the doors had clear windows, hubcaps, and there was an old lady sitting in the back seat. Now my beautiful wife headed straight for this other car, and jumped in the front seat just in front of this big older man and closed the door on him. Then I saw her sit there for a few minutes while the guy tapped on the window. Then after what seemed like 3 or 4 minutes she jumped out of the car quickly, and ran over to ours. O laughed so hard, and Tegwyn kept asking her why she had climbed into their car. So that was some funny stuff.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
So It is Official.
We are going to Move to Saint John. We found a place that is furnished we will rent it for 4 months in the Qusipamsis area while we look for a place to buy, we are partial to the Rothesey area of town. We will be keeping our place on the water by Shediac until about August, so if anyone wants to come visit let us know. We may look at renting it out by the week depending on how we feel.
Jen got a job for an Oil company, and it looks like she will be my sugar mama. I figure it is the way to go.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone is dong well, and staying out of trouble.
If you would like to see some good shots to Saint John, then click on the link on the side that says Dan Culberson. He is a local guy with one heck of an eye.
Also it is Saint John, not St John's. The city of Saint John has never abbreviated the Saint in the name. Also it is the oldest incorporated city in North America, it is a port town that had the first quarantine island that was used when all the Irish settlers came during the Potato famine. These are some quick facts you can use at a party to razzle dazzle your friends.
Here are some pictures that I took during the summer.

Jen got a job for an Oil company, and it looks like she will be my sugar mama. I figure it is the way to go.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone is dong well, and staying out of trouble.
If you would like to see some good shots to Saint John, then click on the link on the side that says Dan Culberson. He is a local guy with one heck of an eye.
Also it is Saint John, not St John's. The city of Saint John has never abbreviated the Saint in the name. Also it is the oldest incorporated city in North America, it is a port town that had the first quarantine island that was used when all the Irish settlers came during the Potato famine. These are some quick facts you can use at a party to razzle dazzle your friends.
Here are some pictures that I took during the summer.

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Andrew Hubert Humphry
Well Mr Chappelle came to visit us before he flew on off to London. He will be living there for a few years, or until he gets tired of the whole British thing.
So anyway he flew in to town on Wednesday at 11pm, we hungout and relaxed around the house on Thursday. He had been flying around the country saying goodbye to everyone, and we were the last stop on his farewell tour. So on Thursday we got up and went in to Cora's for breakfast, and then came home. I took him for a drive around the neighborhood and ran some errands. Then when we got back we had a fire until the sun went down, came in and ate Supper. We hit the hay early because we had to drive to Halifax first thing in the am to get him to the flight on time. The crazy thing about the drive was that he and I drove from Calgary to Moncton, and here we were completing the drive the rest of the way across Canada. Deep huh?
So anyway he flew off and now all we have to do is plan our trip over to see him, looks like we will shoot for early spring.

So anyway he flew in to town on Wednesday at 11pm, we hungout and relaxed around the house on Thursday. He had been flying around the country saying goodbye to everyone, and we were the last stop on his farewell tour. So on Thursday we got up and went in to Cora's for breakfast, and then came home. I took him for a drive around the neighborhood and ran some errands. Then when we got back we had a fire until the sun went down, came in and ate Supper. We hit the hay early because we had to drive to Halifax first thing in the am to get him to the flight on time. The crazy thing about the drive was that he and I drove from Calgary to Moncton, and here we were completing the drive the rest of the way across Canada. Deep huh?
So anyway he flew off and now all we have to do is plan our trip over to see him, looks like we will shoot for early spring.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A visit from Collin
Well sir the man, the myth, the simi legend was here and in full action. We had to send out a general advisary for the area to lock up their daughters, and smalll farm animals. He flew in on last Monday, and stayed until the Friday. Safe to say that we accomplished everything we had wanted to. I think that he really needed the time to relax, he was so tired he spent the whole first day in bed.
We toured the area, on the Thursday I made sure that he went to 3 provinces. He took a leak in each one....
Every day he was here the weather was between 12 - 16 degrees. The day he left it was 18... Crazy.

We toured the area, on the Thursday I made sure that he went to 3 provinces. He took a leak in each one....
Every day he was here the weather was between 12 - 16 degrees. The day he left it was 18... Crazy.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Question: Your wife goes to Toronto for 4 days to visit her mom, what do you do?
Well, you take the kids and go to Disneyworld of course....
At the end of last month Jennifer flew to Toronto to visit her mom and have some fun. So I didn't want to feel left out, I booked our room at the Disney Carribean Beach Resort. We stayed for a few days, and visited with Mickey and my Uncle. We went to Disneyworld, and the kids had a blast. Luckily Eric came along to the park and made it easy (2 kids are allot of work). At Disney we had Tegwyn get about 6 or 7 autographs from different characters. Then we talked him into going on the Pirates of the Carribean ride, he loved it (he was scared to go on it before). So then I bought him a Pirate costume which he put on right then and wore for the rest of the day at the park, people were coming up to him and telling him that they loved his costume. The next day I took the kids to Disney Animal Kingdom, yeeeesh! I slept like a baby that night. Chasing the 2 kids around was tough, but it kept me busy.
We flew back to Toronto and met up with the beautiful wife on Sunday. Then headed for home. Good weekend. Great to see Eric.

At the end of last month Jennifer flew to Toronto to visit her mom and have some fun. So I didn't want to feel left out, I booked our room at the Disney Carribean Beach Resort. We stayed for a few days, and visited with Mickey and my Uncle. We went to Disneyworld, and the kids had a blast. Luckily Eric came along to the park and made it easy (2 kids are allot of work). At Disney we had Tegwyn get about 6 or 7 autographs from different characters. Then we talked him into going on the Pirates of the Carribean ride, he loved it (he was scared to go on it before). So then I bought him a Pirate costume which he put on right then and wore for the rest of the day at the park, people were coming up to him and telling him that they loved his costume. The next day I took the kids to Disney Animal Kingdom, yeeeesh! I slept like a baby that night. Chasing the 2 kids around was tough, but it kept me busy.
We flew back to Toronto and met up with the beautiful wife on Sunday. Then headed for home. Good weekend. Great to see Eric.

Joe and Trish.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thirty hmmmmurrrfff years ago today.

There was a scream that echoed across the lower mainland. Mrs Douglas squeezed a bald, baby faced boy from her uterus. Wouldn't you know it here we are 3? years later and he is still a bald baby faced little boy. Not much has changed...
So today we raise our glasses to a good fellow, he is a straight shooter that is sharp as a knife. He deserves the best, and I think he will get it.
So Mr Douglas Happy birthday.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Trip to Calgary

Well I took a trip to Calgary a few weeks back, I left on a Thursday morning at 3am to be in Calgary for about 11am. My associate Andrew picked me up at the airport. We went to his place and dropped off my junk, and I gave him some N.B. beer called Schooner (whew that is rough). So we headed down to the Ship for lunch, we hung out there for a bit.. I forgot to tell you why I was in town. I went to see the Dropkick Murphys, and Bad Religion. So we hung out at the Ship for pretty much all day. Brooke showed up, also Aaron from Vancouver, along with Joe, and Trish( who are coming here tomorrow). We all hung out until 8pm at which time Andrew Aaron, Brooke, and I ran out of the place to go see the show.
Now we get there and Andrew has to get our tickets from the will call booth. As we are standing there we both look at each other and say, "that is the Dropkicks playing". So Andrew grabs the tickets and we run for the gates to the floor (they were floor tickets), as we push through the crowd we plough through the gates. Andrew blasts through first, then I come right behind. About 10 steps on to the floor I stop fast, the door guy has me by the shirt. He says show me your ticket... At this point a shot goes through me and I look into a crowd of about 1000 ish, and say "my buddy has them" so they tell me to get out. You see in the confusion Andrew forgot to give my ticket. So I went back to the will call booth and they remember me, mainly because I was just there. They can't give me a floor ticket, so I am told to go off to the side and take my seat.
Aaron, and Brooke come along and laugh at me. I am fuming and missing the show. After about 30 minutes of trying to figure out what to do one of my favorite songs comes on "Barroom Hero", I am really wanting to be in there. So Brooke says "go for it" that is all it took. I run for the gates, and blast through. I made it on to the floor and half way through the crowd, and then I was tackled by this big hairy guy. He escorted me to the door, and then kicked me out. So I was in by 8:15 ad out by 9:00. I did things in true punk rock style. You might say I was too Punk Rock for Punk Rock. So 5000 km of travel for 45min of fun. Anyway we went over to the Castle and I was in bed by midnight.
The next day I flew jump seat to Toronto, where I got to see my buddy Randy , and his girlfriend Candy, and his roommate Fred. Also I got to visit Amanda. I haven't seen Randy or Amanda for about 12 years ish. So it was good to see them.
Good trip.
Punk Rock.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Been busy, and you?
Well let's see I have been on the busy side of things. We went to P.E.I. the other day, it is only 1hr, and 45min to Charlottetown from our house. So, we decided to hop in the car and go for a drive. It was a nice day, and we thought a drive over was in order. We took Mercedes, and she was amazing. We have never trained this dog to go outside when she needs to go, or anything like that. On the way over she would wait until we stopped to go to the can. Also we started having her in the house. For the last 3 weeks she has slept inside and not one mistake, we just get up every 4 hours to let her out and she does fine. Last night I didn't even set the alarm, she went about 5 hours then she woke me up by wining at the top of the stairs. I let her out and damn I am proud, we couldn't have asked for a better dog. She won't even jump on Brynn. So anyway P.E.I., they were having there Shellfish festival while we were there. We got some Ice Cream and beer, because they go so well together. When we got the beer it came in those big moonshine type jugs, we laughed about it because here we are walking down the street, with 2 kids, one in a stroller a dog, and 2 big jugs of beer. When we got home I read that once opened they had to be consumed within 24 hrs due to the fact there were no preservatives in them. Well they were 64 oz each... So we had some of the one and ended up pouring it out. The next day I had a glass of the other, and poured it out. I like beer, but I also like my belly the size it is. P.E.I. is a very pretty place.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Got a new Mercedes.
Will post pictures next week she really growls. I also started my job working for the government good stuff.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006

So we went to Alabama for about 7 days and visited some family. Then on our way back through Orlando we stopped to visit some more family. We ended up staying for about 10 days, so it was a good time. We did lots of shopping, and relaxing. We went to Disney and checked out the hotels, also we went and checked out down town Disney. We went to Sea World, and it rained the whole time we were there. We also ended up taking and spending a day at Disney World it was smoking hot out. We had originally intended to on staying for about 2 or 3 days, but the hospitality was so great we couldn't bear to leave. That and the fact that there was supposed to be a Hurricane so flights were cancelled. Well we are back safe and sound, and we miss our family down south. We will make a trip down there again hopefully in a couple of months.
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